Export: nx_racing.getRacer

The export nx_racing.getRacer retrieves detailed information about a racer based on their server source. This is ideal for scripts or resources that need to fetch player-specific racing data, such as their ID, name, avatar, or MMR.

Export Details

  • Export Name: nx_racing.getRacer
  • Description: Returns a table containing information about the specified racer, or false if the player could not be found.


To call this export, use the following syntax:

local racer = exports.nx_racing:getRacer(source)


source (number)

The server-side identifier of the player. This is typically obtained from an event or server function.

Return Value

A table containing racer information or false if the player is not found. The returned table has the following structure:

  • id (number): The unique identifier for the player.
  • name (string): The display name of the player.
  • avatar (string): URL of the player’s avatar.
  • mmr (number): The player’s Matchmaking Rating (MMR), used for ranked races.

If the player is not found, the function returns false.

Example Usage

Fetching a Racer’s Details

local source = 1 -- Example player source ID
local racer = exports.nx_racing:getRacer(source)
if racer then
    print("Racer ID:", racer.id)
    print("Name:", racer.name)
    print("Avatar URL:", racer.avatar)
    print("MMR:", racer.mmr)
    print("Player not found!")


  • Ensure the source parameter corresponds to a valid server-side player ID.