The nx_racing:client:openTablet event is designed to open the racing tablet interface within the Nexure Racing System. This event can be triggered in your scripts to display the tablet in a dedicated format, allowing players to access race-related data and functionality.

Event Details

  • Event Name: nx_racing:client:openTablet
  • Description: Opens the racing tablet for the player in a tablet format.


To trigger this event, use the following code:


Example Scenario

If you want to open the racing tablet when a player interacts with a specific object or location, you can use this event within that interaction’s callback:

RegisterNetEvent('someInteractionEvent', function()


Note: There is also an export variant of this function, offering additional flexibility. For details, refer to the Export Variant Guide.

This makes it easy to integrate the racing tablet into various parts of your server’s gameplay, enhancing accessibility for players.