Export: nx_racing.getOngoingRaceData

The export nx_racing.getOngoingRaceData retrieves detailed information about a specific race currently in progress. This is ideal for scripts or resources needing access to race-specific data, including track information, players, and race configuration.

Export Details

  • Export Name: nx_racing.getOngoingRaceData
  • Description: Returns a table containing detailed information about a specified race or false if the race is not active.


To call this export, use the following syntax:

local raceData = exports.nx_racing:getOngoingRaceData(raceId)


raceId (number)

The unique identifier for the race. This ID is typically obtained from the list of active races or an event.

Return Value

A table containing detailed information about the race, or false if the race does not exist or is not ongoing. The returned table has the following structure:

  • status (number): The raceโ€™s current status.
  • createdTime (number): Timestamp of when the race was created.
  • raceType (string): The type of the race (e.g., time trial, circuit).
  • moneyPrize (number): The prize money for the race.
  • trackId (number): The unique identifier of the track.
  • trackName (string): The name of the track.
  • trackType (string): The type of the track (e.g., road, dirt).
  • trackLaps (number): The number of laps for the race.
  • track (table): A table containing track-specific data.
  • phasingOn (boolean): Indicates whether phasing is enabled.
  • phasingTime (number): The duration of phasing in seconds.
  • checkpoints (table): A table containing the raceโ€™s checkpoints.
  • players (table): A table containing data about players in the race.
  • playerList (table): A list of players participating in the race.
  • buyIn (number): The buy-in cost for entering the race.
  • camera (boolean): Indicates whether a camera is enabled for this race.
  • class (number): The vehicle class allowed in the race.
  • totalRaceDistance (number): The total distance of the race in meters.

Example Usage

Fetching Data for a Specific Race

local raceId = 123 -- Example race ID
local raceData = exports.nx_racing:getOngoingRaceData(raceId)
if raceData then
    print("Race Status:", raceData.status)
    print("Track Name:", raceData.trackName)
    print("Number of Players:", #raceData.players)
    print("Total Distance:", raceData.totalRaceDistance .. " meters")
    print("Race not found or not active.")


  • The raceId must correspond to a valid ongoing race in the activeRaces table.
  • This export is designed to provide comprehensive race details, making it suitable for leaderboard updates, race monitoring, or enhanced spectator features.